Boulet Custon Art Plan

09/02/21 Status

Delivery scheduled for September 8, 2021

Ready to install

Review on Saturday 08/28/21

  • Add blue right side to white section mimic left side
  • Add sculpture lines to right side white section with silver drips
  • Add lighter blue (azurite) light to bottom of the painting

Final composition scheduled to be complete for Sun Aug 21 ready for review week of 8/23/21

Layer 3 & 4 scheduled for Sat Aug 21

Canvas rotates to right side up and upside down to complete composition.

Main composition started layer 1 and layer 2 complete (Midpoint)

Green tape added to outside to protect the edges.

Under painting complete

Canvas hanging on wall

Reference mood & color board completed

Sculptured lines and composition started.

Canvas stretched and frame built

Stretch and mount canvas projected start 7/26/21

Canvas ordered & received

Stretcher Bars: Ordered & received

NOTES: All photos are of canvas prep. Addition of color is in the next step.

Palette Confirmation Complete

Please note: Screen is not accurate to actual color samples. This is a reference photo from our discussion.